How to Change the World: A Book Club Introduction
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
How to Change the World. That’s the name of his blog.
I looked him up after a friend suggested we read his book—Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions—for our next book club. His name? Guy Kawasaki. Maybe you’ve heard of him.
The Enchantment webpage says: If you want to change the world — or even part of the world, this book is for you.
And why not? Isn’t that what we try to do every day? I don’t know about you, but whether I’m trying to convince my boys to put away their freshly laundered socks or trying to help a patient change the way he or she sees a certain situation—it seems I am always trying to change some little piece of my world.
At The High Calling, we’re trying to change the world too. Well…at least the way the world sees time. Perhaps this is best illustrated by two Greek words for time: Chronos and kairos. Chronos—the counting on the clock—names the ordinary measurable minutes that pass the day. Kairos, in contrast, transcends ordinary time. Kairos is the appointed time in the purpose of God.
At The High Calling, we believe that life is liturgy. Leitourgia—the ancient Greek word that we get our word liturgy from—was used to refer to service done by the citizens on behalf of the community. The work of the people. It is our desire to create opportunities for the people to see their work—the chronos counting of the minutes—as kairos time.
Every minute is holy.
However you desire to influence your world, chances are you could use a little enchantment.
Guy Kawasaki defines enchantment as the process of delighting people with a product, service, organization, or idea. The outcome of enchantment is voluntary and long-lasting support that is mutually beneficial.
A refreshing approach to evangelism if ever there was one (Guy Kawasaki once held the job title Chief Evangelist of Apple. Perhaps there might be something he can shed light on with regards to sharing Good News…).
We will start the book club discussion Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions on May 9th. I'll post on chapters one and two that Monday morning. Next week, stop by to learn more about the author of Enchantment in an interview Cheryl Smith conducted with Guy Kawasaki.
I hope you will join us. Just one thing: Get ready to change the world.
Image by Judy Spradley, used with permission via Flickr. Post by Laura Boggess.