God’s first question to Job sets the tone of their mostly one-way conversation, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of...
From the beginning, God intended human work as a form of creativity under or alongside God’s own creativity.
When trouble overcomes you, take a walk outside. The light that greets you is really God's wardrobe. The clouds that drift overhead...
Sean McDonough introduces key topics in the Theology of Work, focusing on the good news. Our labor is a good thing that...
Isaiah paints a picture of the values that must characterize the people of God.
When we read this passage from Isaiah 53, we immediately think of the crucifixion of Jesus. He was literally pierced, crushed, beaten, and whipped. Even more painful was the alienation he...
When I was a boy, I loved playing “Hide and Seek.” Little made me happier than when I found the perfect hiding place, a secure enclave where no “seeker” would ever find me...
The central section of Hebrews is dominated by the theme of Jesus as our great high priest. Taking Psalm 110 as his...
The Gospel of Mark, more than the other Gospels, highlights the ignorance, weakness, and selfishness of the disciples. This comes despite the...